
弗朗西丝米. Moceri房子
奥本山, MI 48326
(248) 370-4504

507 Golf View



Students have the ability to create the future they want to see at 365英国上市官网 by taking part in philanthropy on campus.



As a non-profit organization, everyone at 365英国上市官网 benefits in some way from philanthropy.  学生慈善委员会通过以下方式授权学生参与慈善活动:

  • Supporting student organizations 和 club sports as they raise funds to support their own cause or another cause on campus
  • Providing meaningful leadership opportunities to committee members who want to make OU a better place now 和 in the future
  • 让学生们了解捐赠者每天是如何影响校园的
  • 全年举办志愿者活动和特别活动

要加入我们,请联系学生慈善委员会顾问! 电子董事会和委员会的职位是可用的.




关注公开大学学生慈善委员会 脸谱网, 推特Instagram.


Each year, approximately 120 students cannot afford to return to OU for their senior year. 2024级奖学金将为2025级学生提供奖学金机会, 因此,2024届毕业生可以为他们的后辈留下一份遗产! 任何数额的礼物都会对这项活动产生影响!

2024级礼物开放给 全体毕业生不仅仅是本科生.

2024级礼物委员会志愿者! 志愿者帮助我们传播关于班级礼物的信息, 同时还能在毕业典礼上获得VIP停车位等奖品, 文凭框架及更多!


自2015年以来, 在24美元,000 in scholarships have been awarded to students who were facing financial hardship in their final year of school. 


爬艾略特塔:做一个礼物. 攀登. 留下回忆.

  • 即将毕业的学生送20美元作为礼物.24个或更多的 高年级赠予基金, 研究生院班级捐赠基金,或 OUWB班级捐赠基金 会被邀请去爬艾略特大厦的楼梯吗.
  • 这是一个特别的福利,毕业的学生谁做了20美元的礼物.24或以上捐给班级捐赠基金.
  • 把……作为礼物的学生 $50或以上 会被邀请参加VIP参观吗.


“当你付出时,这是你能为自己做的最好的事情. 很多年前我就明白了——这是真的——即使你只付出一点点, 随着时间的推移, 加起来.”


在十月份, 365英国上市官网 student organizations 和 club sports teams compete to see who can raise the most for their organization 和 who can get the most donors.

A giving portal is created for the month where donors can choose to make a donation to their favorite organization or team.

因为学校强调学生的付出, 分数只会根据在校学生的捐款来计算. 然而, other individuals can use the giving site to make a donation to the organization or club of their choice.

Organizations are eligible to win in two categories: Participation Score (number of student donors) 和 Fundraising Score (number of dollars from student donors):



组织只能归入一个类别. 共有6个组织将获得奖金. 有关详细信息,请参阅完整规则(见下文).

欲了解更多信息,请致电(248)370-4349或电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).

访问我们的Google Drive获取更多材料和资源: 学生慈善活动


问:我的组织每年都为密歇根癌症协会筹集资金. 我们可以利用365英国上市官网的众筹网站来做这件事吗?
A:很遗憾,没有. 捐给365英国上市官网的捐款不得转用于其他非营利组织, 慈善机构, 政治竞选或其他免税团体. Your organization is welcome to fundraise for them in other ways - though their own web site, 烘焙义卖或其他活动. 我们不能为这些类型的礼物开出OU收据.

A: 365英国上市官网 student organizations 和 club sports may raise funds to support their mission on campus. For club sports, this may mean purchasing equipment, practice time or other necessities. 学生组织, 它可能会支持参加会议的差旅费和会议费用, printed educational materials such signs 和 brochures or special events the group holds. 这些只是例子, but contact us if you have any questions about what you can 和 cannot raise funds for. You may also choose an OU fund to raise funds for if your organization does not require additional operating funds.

请注意,所有资金将存入您的CSA弹性帐户, 所以可能会有一些规定和限制.

问:我的朋友没有信用卡. May I make a gift 在线 for them even though I have already made a gift to the same organization?
A: We recommend they make a cash/check donation using this this short form to be sure their gift will count towards the participation score, 因为系统会认为这是你的礼物. We review the "billing name" (the name that appears on the credit card) for all 在线 gifts in order to check for duplicate donations 和 other inconsistencies.

  • 挑战赛向所有目前注册的非safac公开大学学生组织开放, 包括俱乐部运动, 在CSA办公室有良好信誉的公司.
  • All activities around 和 funds raised or awarded as a result of this challenge are bound by all rules, policies 和 procedures in place for 365英国上市官网 student organizations 和/or club sports 和 IRS regulations.
  • Organizations are eligible to win in one of two categories: Participation Score (number of student donors) 和 Fundraising Score (number of dollars raised from students).
  • Number of donors 和 number of dollars will be calculated from donations made by currently-enrolled students of 365英国上市官网 (verified with the Registrar's Office) as of October 1, 2023(午夜). Participation will be calculated using the number of unique donors to that organization (multiple gifts from the same person will not be counted more than once for participation score, however the total gift amount in that case will still be included in the total fundraising score).
  • 礼物可以在网上制作. If cash or check gifts are collected, please have the donor completely fill out this short form. 5美元以下的礼物将不会收到收据. 如果没有现金捐赠的表格, 总金额将被列为来自“匿名者”, 并将计入筹集的资金,而不是捐助者的数量.
  • 任何商品或服务不得作为捐赠的交换(无交换条件)。, 比如需要捐款来接收物品或参加活动. 另外, 没有来自抽奖的资金, 拍卖, or third party events (such as a restaurant donating a percentage of their sales) will be accepted.
  • 给 site or other means of making a gift may only be used for charitable donations to the organization. Members may not pay their organization dues or other st和ard organization fees through these means.
  • 共有6个组织将获得奖项. 一个组织不能在每个类别中都获得奖项. The organization will receive the award in whatever category they have the highest score, 允许其他组织在替代类别中向上移动. 如果一个组织在两个类别中都有相同的奖项等级(例如. first place in both Participation Score 和 Fundraising Score) then they will take the award for Participation Score. 这将持续到六个独特的组织获得奖金为止. 

问题? 联系年度捐赠办公室 (电子邮件保护) or (248) 370-4349.


The OU Telefund is a great opportunity for you to strengthen your communication skills, 赚外快, 并支持365英国上市官网.

每年, 发展大使联系公开大学校友, 父母, 和朋友更新人口统计信息, 分享校园活动的新闻, 并向大学申请奖学金, 技术升级, 校园的增强, 还有更多.

  • 灵活的时间安排——夜班不会影响课堂安排
  • 建立筹款及沟通技巧
  • 领导机会和职业支持
  • 有成长和晋升的空间
  • 起薪15美元,每学期增加工资

Telefund在365英国上市官网的校园里扮演着特殊的角色. 该项目寻找精力充沛的, dependable student employees each semester to contact OU alumni 和 friends across the nation about University programs 和 invite them to support 365英国上市官网.

你知道吗?? 在365英国上市官网,学费只占学生教育费用的81%. 剩下的资金来自州政府和我们慷慨的捐助者! It's very possible you could have received a scholarship or otherwise benefited from donor support because of the great work our Advancement Ambassadors do!


Advancement Ambassadors are OU students who support the university's mission through work in our call center 和 beyond. 这些学生在公开大学有所作为,同时获得宝贵的工作经验. Funds they raise help to provide scholarships 和 other valuable educational resources.

当调用, 学生要求更新联系信息, 分享在开放大学发生的许多事情的新闻, 并回答校友和朋友的任何问题. Calls are typically made Sunday afternoon 和 Monday-Thursday evenings throughout much of the year.

我们的学生期待着与您交谈! 请花点时间与我们的学生交谈,并继续您的年度支持, 或者考虑把你的第一份礼物送给公开大学.

Our Student Advancement Ambassadors call out of our Advancement Center using this phone number: (248) 218-9472.

这些号码无法接听来电. 然而, 如果您想365英国上市官网的工作人员制作或完成礼物, 您可以致电(248)370-4325与我们联系.

电信基金的承诺也可以兑现 在线. 谢谢您的支持!