

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



理由是:  To establish a framework for investigating alleged violations of the University’s Equal Opportunity Policy.


1.  初步的问题.

  1. 本指引的目的. These Guidelines are intended to ensure that discrimination and retaliation complaints are handled promptly, 有效地, 和公平. 这些指导方针并不是严格的规定和多元化办公室, 公平与包容(ODEI)可能会偏离它们, 只要它认为合适, 有效及公平地回应个人投诉. 本指南不为双方创造合同权利.

  2. 提出投诉的时限. Complaints must be filed within 60 days of the offending incident or most recent offending incident. 大学保留权利, 自行决定, to investigate and act on complaints involving incidents that have occurred beyond the 60-day filing period. 这样的接受并不是为了, nor shall it; waive timeliness defenses the University may otherwise have available to it in any judicial or administrative proceedings.

  3. 调查的机密性. ODEI不能保证保密, but will only share information about an investigation on an as needed basis or as required by law. ODEI will provide supervisors and appropriate Higher Management with information regarding the investigation. 如果一方或多方是学生, ODEI将把这些信息提供给学生主任. Parties and witnesses to an investigation are expected to treat all information regarding the investigation as confidential.

  4. 支持的人. 在调查过程中, a party may have another member of the University community present as his/her support person. 律师不得担任赡养人. 教师 or staff who are members of a union may have a union representative as a support person.

  5. 虚假的报告. If, 在任何时候, ODEI determines that the person making a complaint has knowingly lied or deliberately provided false information to ODEI, ODEI将把此事提交给主管人力资源的助理副总裁, 负责学术事务的执行副校长兼教务长或学生主任, 适当的, 纪律处分. 纪律处分可能包括解雇或开除. 申诉人的指控是真实的, 但被ODEI认定不构成非法歧视或报复, 没有提供本指引所指的虚假资料.

  6. 集体谈判协议. If either party is a member of a group subject to a collective bargaining agreement with the University and the terms of that agreement specifically alter or conflict with these procedures, 以集体谈判协议条款为准. 教师 and staff who are members of a collective bargaining unit may file a grievance under the applicable collective bargaining agreement, 如果有任何, 而不是根据这些准则提出歧视投诉.

2.  Pre-Investigation程序.

  1. 谁可以提出投诉? Any person who believes s/he has been subjected to discrimination in a University program or activity, 包括, 但不限于就业和教育, 或者报复, 可以提出投诉. 提出投诉的人被称为“投诉人”.”

  2. 如何及在何处提出投诉. A person who wishes for the University to address a discrimination or retaliation complaint should submit a written statement containing all of the following:
  • 被指控罪行的性质

  • 被投诉的个人的姓名

  • 违规事件的具体情况, 包括发生了什么, 事情发生的地方, 当它发生的时候, 谁在场?, 投诉的人还告诉了谁这件事

  • 投诉人的日期及签名






The 教务长 will handle discrimination and retaliation complaints in accordance with the 365英国上市官网 Code of Conduct and Judicial System. ODEI and the 教务长 may refer written complaints to one another to ensure that the most appropriate procedure is used to respond to the matter.

如果投诉是关于大学承包商的, the complaint should be made to the Vice President of the division for which the contractor is providing services. The Vice President will be responsible for handling the complaint and these Guidelines will not apply.

如果投诉指控ODEI员工的歧视或报复, 应该向副总统或总统提出.

  1. 从第三方收到的投诉. If ODEI receives information from a third party about possible discriminatory or retaliatory conduct, ODEI will contact the person who is thought to have been subjected to the behavior and request a written statement.

  2. 拒绝提供书面声明. 如果有人提出口头或匿名投诉, 或者拒绝提供书面声明, ODEI将根据现有信息进行调查, but only if that information is sufficient to enable the University to conduct a meaningful and fair investigation.

  3. 识别被投诉人. The person alleged in the complaint to have engaged in discriminatory or retaliatory behavior is called the “Respondent.被申请人是行政单位的, 一名适当的行政代表将代表该单位作出答复.

  4. 决定是否调查投诉. ODEI收到投诉后,会覆核投诉,以确保:
  • 这是及时的;

  • The situation described in the complaint arose in the course of a University program or activity;

  • 投诉是针对大学员工、学生或行政单位的;

  • If factually supported, the alleged behavior 是否构成非法歧视或报复. 

如投诉不符合上述准则, ODEI可以结案并通知投诉人. The Respondent may still be subject to University action if the alleged behavior violates another University policy.

如果ODEI在此初步阶段无法确定是否涉嫌行为, 如果有事实支持, 是否构成非法歧视或报复, 它可以决定调查此事.

ODEI可能决定不调查投诉,即使指控, 假设有事实支持, 是否构成非法歧视或报复, if the person against whom the complaint is made is no longer associated with the University or there is no effective remedial action that could be taken in response to the complaint.

3.  调查过程.

  1. 通知被申请人. ODEI will contact the Respondent and provide him/her with the complaint and a copy of these Guidelines. 如果被投诉人同意投诉书中的指控属实, ODEI可能, 自行决定, 决定不进行进一步调查.

  2. 保护措施. Sometimes it is necessary to take steps before or during an investigation to protect the rights and interests of the Complainant and/or the Respondent. Protective measures may also guard against further actual or perceived discrimination or retaliation. 保护措施可包括, 但不限于, directives to the Complainant and Respondent to avoid personal contact or refrain from such contact without a neutral third person present.

  3. 调查期间解雇. ODEI可能 dismiss the complaint 在任何时候 during an investigation at which it determines that the complaint, 如果有事实支持, 是否构成非法歧视或报复. 双方当事人将被通知解雇.

  4. 举证责任. The investigator shall determine if there is unlawful discrimination based upon a preponderance of the evidence, 即是否更有可能发生非法歧视.

  5. 调查报告. 调查员将制作一份书面报告,描述他/她的事实发现, the basis for those findings and a determination as to whether unlawful discrimination or retaliation occurred. ODEI将努力在收到投诉后60天内完成调查.

4.  调查后程序.

  1. 如果没有发现歧视或报复. If ODEI determines that unlawful discrimination or retaliation did not occur or that the allegations in the complaint lack sufficient evidentiary support, 它将通知当事人并结案. 

  2. 如发现歧视. 如果ODEI确定发生了歧视或报复, ODEI将把调查报告发送给人力资源助理副总裁, 负责学术事务的执行副校长和教务长或学生主任, 适当的, 进一步行动. 如果被投诉人是副总裁,该报告将被发送给总裁.

  3. 纪律处分. Disciplinary action will be imposed in accordance with the applicable collective bargaining agreement, 劳动合同或劳动政策, 如果有任何.




